Supporting a loved one with addiction can be challenging. At FASN – Family Addiction Support Network we’ve got you covered with self-care tips to help you navigate this journey.
Here are some quick and practical self-care tips to help you navigate this difficult journey:
Set Boundaries: Establish clear and healthy boundaries with your addicted loved one to protect yourself from emotional turmoil.
Seek Support: Attend support groups such as the FASN Peer Support meetings based in Cavan, Monaghan, Meath and Louth to regularly connect with others who understand your struggles and can offer guidance. Alternatively, reach out for one-to-one support by contacting us.
Educate Yourself: Learn about addiction, its effects, and available resources to better understand your loved one’s struggle.
Practice Patience: Remember that recovery is a process, and setbacks are common. Be patient and supportive.
Prioritise Your Needs: This is SO important. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, like hobbies, exercise, or meditation. If you struggle to do this, reach out to FASN – Family Addiction Support Network for support and help.
Communication: Open and honest communication with your loved one can help build trust and a stronger relationship.
Avoid Enabling: Refrain from enabling their addiction. This means different things for different people – everyone’s circumstances are different but generally not to provide money, shelter, or support destructive behaviors.
Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and manage stress. Deep breathing and meditation can be powerful tools.
Seek Professional Help: Reach to FASN – Family Addiction Support Network for your emotional well-being and guidance on dealing with addiction. Get access to peer support, one to one support, counselling or educational programs.
Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. You can’t control your loved one’s choices, but you can control how you take care of yourself.
Join FASN Online: If you can’t attend in-person meetings, consider calling our helpline number or engaging in online support.
Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate any positive changes in your loved one’s life. These small victories can be motivating.
Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest research and treatments for addiction to make informed decisions.
Plan for Crisis: Develop a plan for emergencies or relapses so you can respond calmly and effectively.
Avoid Blame: Remember that addiction is something that can happen to anyone and it’s not anyone’s fault. Avoid blaming yourself or your loved one.
Self-Care Routine: Create a daily self-care routine that includes healthy habits like proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep.
Connect with Friends: Maintain your social support network outside of the addiction situation to keep a balanced perspective.
Take Breaks: It’s okay to step back when you need a break. Self-care is essential to be an effective support system.
Gratitude: Keep a journal to focus on positive aspects of your life and maintain a positive outlook.
Acceptance: Understand that you cannot control your loved one’s choices. Acceptance is crucial for your own peace of mind.
In the journey of supporting an addicted loved one, remember that your well-being matters. By practicing self-care, you can provide better support while maintaining your own emotional health and resilience. FASN is here to help you along the way, offering understanding, support, and guidance.